Microtransat Challenge

The Microtransat Challenge is a transatlantic race for autonomous boats, aiming to stimulate the development of autonomous boats through friendly competition. Running for over a decade, there is a rich and varied history of teams that have taken part.

See the Rules and FAQ for more information on the competition or consider Getting Involved.

2025 Race

The 2025 transatlantic race is now open to competitors.

The tracking pages show live tracking maps for all boats which are currently competing or have already made their attempts.


Because of the large number of videos now available, we cannot show them all on this page. Please see our Microtransat playlist on youtube.
High Resolution Pictures

These are various high resolution photos taken by some of the teams and visitors to some of the previous competitions. Please contact the original photographer for permission to use them.

Media Coverage

Here are just a few of the articles which have been published about the Microtransat.

Related Competitions

A spin off competition, the World Robotic Sailing Championships (WRSC) was created in 2008. This consists of a series of short races and other challenges for autonomous boats. Attached to the WRSC is the International Robotic Sailing Conference (IRSC), which allows researchers in the area a chance to meet up and discuss the scientific issues related to robotic sailing.

The SailBot competition is another competition for robotic sailing boats, which has taken place in North America since 2006. This is targeted at student teams and focuses on high performance short distance racing.

Microtransat teams are encouraged to attend a WRSC or SailBot event to meet other teams, exchange ideas and test out their boats.

Background by Jenna Bash on Unsplash